Summarizing Graphite Events
Graphite is also great for measuring things that could be considered "events". This could be something like a login failure, file creation, terminated EC2 instance. Etc.
To insert these type of metrics into graphite, simply give them the value 1:
echo events.cfengine.push 1 `date +%s` | nc 2003
Use the drawAsInfinite function to make these events show up as straight lines.
Or to see them over time, summarize and group them into say, 1 day buckets:
summarize(sumSeries(group(events.cfengine.push)), "1d")
Converting Metrics Into Events
You can take any metric and convert it into an event by dividing itself. (normalizing the metric to be "1"):
Every time there is a transfer, no matter how long it took, it will be a "1". Now sum those, and then summarizing them, say per hour:
summarize(sumSeries(divideSeries(metrics.time_it_took_to_transfer,metrics.time_it_took_to_transfer)), '1h')
Now you have a graph of transfers per hour.