RSA Securid Install
RSA Tokens are cool, but the linux installer that they comes with is kinda bulky. If you are installing it widely, its good to know exactly what files the installer is using, especially for CFEngine purposes.
Needed Files
Here are the important files that the securid pam module needs:
- /var/ace/* (contains key and some test binaries)
- /lib64/security/ (actual pam module, also 32 bit in /lib if you need that)
- /etc/sd_pam.conf (conf file)
Technically you could probably slim it down even more and edit the sd_pam.conf to keep things even cleaner.
The rest have to do with your particular deployment. (ssh, logins, sudo, etc) That is outside the scope of this article and has more to do with your pam configuration. A sudo example is included in the glue below:
CFEngine Glue
files: securid_servers:: /var/ace/ mode=700 owner=root group=root action=create copy: securid_servers:: #Recrusivly copy this dir, has key and binaries $(common_conf)/var/ace/ dest=/var/ace/ mode=755 owner=root group=root server=$(policyhost) verify=true backup=timestamp recurse=inf #Being lazy here, could do 32 bit too if we had 32bit servers $(common_conf)/lib64/security/ dest=/lib64/security/ mode=755 owner=root group=root server=$(policyhost) verify=true backup=timestamp $(common_conf)/etc/sd_pam.conf dest=/etc/sd_pam.conf mode=644 owner=root group=root server=$(policyhost) verify=true backup=timestamp # We have an extra class here for those servers that securid_sudo # Some day we might have a securid_server that isn't for sudo, but for ssh or something # Also, the pam stuff is redhat specific # I guess I could do this with edit files, but I prefer copy as it allows the files themselves to be self-documenting. # Plus when you are on the server and you look at the file it yells at you "HEY MADE BY CFENGINE!" securid_servers.securid_sudo_servers.redhat:: $(common_conf)/etc/pam.d/securid-auth dest=/etc/pam.d/securid-auth mode=644 owner=root group=root server=$(policyhost) verify=true backup=timestamp $(common_conf)/etc/pam.d/sudo-securid-rhel dest=/etc/pam.d/sudo mode=644 owner=root group=root server=$(policyhost) verify=true backup=timestamp $(common_conf)/etc/pam.d/sudo-i-securid-rhel dest=/etc/pam.d/sudo-i mode=644 owner=root group=root server=$(policyhost) verify=true backup=timestamp
Pam Notes
The securid-auth file is just the normal system-auth file, but with pam_unix replaced with pam_securid.
The sudo pam file is just the normal sudo file, but with system-auth replaced with securid-auth.