Programming 12
From Kyle's Wiki
This mission has you performing specific operations to a given string, and submitting it very quickly, requiring the use of wget for answer submission.
#!/bin/bash char() { printf \\$(printf "%03o" "$1") } asc() { local i for ((i=1; i<256; ++i)); do if [ "$(char "$i")" = "$1" ]; then echo "$i" break fi done return 1 } wget -q -O .login.html --post-data="username=KyleAnderson&password=************&btn_submit=Login" --save-cookies=.cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies wget -q -O - --load-cookies=.cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies=.cookies.txt > out.txt cat out.txt | grep String | cut -f 3 -d = | cut -f 2 -d '"' > example.txt PSUM=0 CSUM=0 for EACH in ` cat example.txt | sed "s/[a-z]//g" | sed 's/[-!#$%&*+,./:;<=>?@_{|}~]//g' | tr -d "0" | tr -d "1" |sed 's/./& /g' ` do FACTORS=`factor $EACH | cut -f 2 -d :` NUM=`echo $FACTORS | tr " " "\n" | wc -l` if [ $NUM -gt 1 ]; then let CSUM=$CSUM+$EACH else let PSUM=$PSUM+$EACH fi done PRODUCT=`echo "$PSUM * $CSUM" | bc` STRING=`cat example.txt | tr -d [:digit:] | cut -c 1-25` x=1; PASS=$STRING; STRING="" while [ -n "`echo $PASS | cut -c$x`" ]; do EACH=`echo $PASS | cut -c$x` if [ -n "`echo $EACH | grep [a-y]`" ]; then STRING="$STRING`echo $EACH | tr [a-y] [b-z]`" else if [ -n "`echo $EACH | grep [0-8]`" ]; then STRING="$STRING`echo $EACH | tr [a-y] [b-z]`" else EACH=$(asc "$EACH" ) let EACH=$EACH+1 STRING="$STRING$(char "$EACH")" fi fi x=$(( $x + 1 )) done STRING="$STRING$PRODUCT" echo the string is $STRING echo uploading... wget -q -O - --post-data="solution=$STRING&submitbutton=" --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies=.cookies.txt --referer> out2.txt grep -i answer out2.txt | html2text grep "Good Job" out2.txt | html2text