Programming 1
From Kyle's Wiki
This challenge involves a wordlist and given a subset of scrambled letters. My job is to figure out what the original words were, in a very short time.
I solved this puzzle by presorting the given list into two collumns, the second being a scrambled version of the word in alphabetical order.
soleil : ,e,i,l,l,o,s, sonics : ,c,i,n,o,s,s, sophie : ,e,h,i,o,p,s, spanish : ,a,h,i,n,p,s,s, spanky : ,a,k,n,p,s,y,
Using grep I can match the given words with this premade word list with this script:
#!/bin/bash #wget -q -O - --load-cookies=../../.cookies.txt | grep -A10 "List of scrambled" | tr " " "\n" | grep "li" | html2text function reorganize { local s="" local i="" local COM="" local POS="" s=$1 for i in $(seq 0 $((${#s} - 1))) do COM="$COM,${s:$i:1}" done echo $COM | tr "," "\n" | sort | tr "\n" "," } cat p | tr -d "#" | tr -d [:blank:] > p2 for EACH in `cat p2` do grep $(reorganize $EACH) words done
A list of all files I used and code: