Managing SSH Keys With Puppet
From Kyle's Wiki
First grab the auth.pp module from here. It should go in your /etc/puppet/modules directory.
Then you can declare the presence or absence of authorized keys, like this:
ssh_authorized_key { "kyle@secure": ensure => present, user => root, type => "ssh-rsa", key => "AAAA......j"; "root@badguy": ensure => absent, user => root, type => "ssh-rsa", key => "AAAAB......."; }
For good measure you can do this:
file { "/root/.ssh/": path => "/root/.ssh/", ensure => directory, mode => 700, owner => root, group => root; "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys": path => "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys", mode => 600, owner => root, group => root; }
Global known_hosts file management
Here is how you can use ssh keys as Puppet Exported Resources to collect and consolidate them into a the global /etc/ssh/known_hosts file?
class sshkeys { # Include partial hostname '' in hosts like ''. $partial_hostname = regsubst($fqdn, '\.company\.com$', '') if $partial_hostname == $hostname { $host_aliases = [ $ipaddress, $hostname ] } else { $host_aliases = [ $ipaddress, $hostname, $partial_hostname ] } # Export hostkeys from all hosts. @@sshkey { $fqdn: ensure => present, host_aliases => $host_aliases, type => 'rsa', key => $sshrsakey, } # Import hostkeys to all hosts. Sshkey <<| |>> }