From Kyle's Wiki
He.net is an ipv6 tunnelbroker, DNS provider, and ipv6 certification provider.
Automating Submissions
Once you complete the standard tests, you can submit ipv6 pings, whois, dns, etc to get extra points. I have created this script (IPv6.sh) to do it automatically, set it up with cron. I wouldn't call it cheating, I would call it a tool.
#!/bin/bash DOMAIN=$1 USERNAME="your he.net username" PASSWORDHASH="the MD5 hash of your password" IPV6=`dig -t AAAA +short $DOMAIN | tail -n 1` echo Doing $DOMAIN which has the IPv6 address $IPV6 echo -n "Logging In..." WGETOPTS="-q -O - --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies=.cookies.txt --save-cookies=.cookies.txt" wget $WGETOPTS http://ipv6.he.net/certification/login.php --post-data="f_user=$USERNAME&clearpass=&f_pass=$PASSWORDHASH&Login=Login" | html2text | grep "Name:" #set -vx sleep 1s echo -n "Doing a traceroute... " TRACEOUTPUT=`traceroute6 $DOMAIN 2>&1 | sed -f urlencode.sed | sed -n '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/%0D%0A/g;p}'` wget $WGETOPTS http://ipv6.he.net/certification/daily_trace.php --post-data="trtext=$TRACEOUTPUT&submit=Submit" | html2text | grep -e "Sorry" -e "Result" echo "Doing a Dig AAAA" DIGOUTPUT=`dig $DOMAIN AAAA | sed -f urlencode.sed | sed -n '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/%0D%0A/g;p}'` wget $WGETOPTS http://ipv6.he.net/certification/dig.php --post-data="digtext=$DIGOUTPUT&submit=Submit" | html2text | grep -e "Sorry" -e "Result" echo "Doing a Dig PTR" DIG2OUTPUT=`dig -x $IPV6| sed -f urlencode.sed | sed -n '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/%0D%0A/g;p}'` wget $WGETOPTS http://ipv6.he.net/certification/dig2.php --post-data="digtext=$DIG2OUTPUT&submit=Submit" | html2text | grep -e "Sorry" -e "Result" echo "Doing a ping6" PING6OUTPUT=`ping6 -c 4 -n $DOMAIN| sed -f urlencode.sed | sed -n '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/%0D%0A/g;p}'` wget $WGETOPTS http://ipv6.he.net/certification/ping.php --post-data="pingtext=$PING6OUTPUT&submit=Submit" | html2text | grep -e "Sorry" -e "Result" echo "Doing a whois on the ipv6" WHOISOUTPUT=`whois $IPV6| sed -f urlencode.sed | sed -n '1h;2,$H;${g;s/\n/%0D%0A/g;p}'` wget $WGETOPTS http://ipv6.he.net/certification/whois.php --post-data="whoistext=$WHOISOUTPUT&submit=Submit" | html2text | grep -e "Sorry" -e "Result"
You need a sed script to urlencode your submission, urlencode.sed:
s/%/%25/g s/!/%21/g s/"/%22/g s/#/%23/g s/\$/%24/g s/\&/%26/g s/'\''/%27/g s/(/%28/g s/)/%29/g s/\*/%2A/g s/+/%2B/g s/ /\+/g s/,/%2C/g #s/-/%2D/g #s/\./%2E/g s/\//%2F/g s/:/%3A/g s/;/%3B/g s/</%3C/g s/>/%3E/g s/?/%3F/g s/@/%40/g s/\[/%5B/g s/\\/%5C/g s/\]/%5D/g s/\^/%5E/g s/_/%5F/g s/`/%60/g s/{/%7B/g s/|/%7C/g s/}/%7D/g s/~/%7E/g s/ /%09/g
And optionally, a script to actually run and pull an IPv6 domain out of a list, submit it, then delete it from the list:
#!/bin/bash cd /root/he.net DOMAIN=`head ipv6sites -n 1` ./IPv6.sh $DOMAIN #delete first line sed -i '1d' ipv6sites