Games Magazine - Haunted Cemetery
From Kyle's Wiki
Haunted Cemetery was the puzzle on the cover page of the Games Magazine issue for October 2010. It is not a very difficult puzzle, but a fun one to right a quick program for.
Enter the cemetery at the bottom (location #2). Stay on the path, exit in the top left (location #50). Whenever you reach an intersection with a ghost, you must turn left or right. At all other intersections, go straight. No U-turns allowed.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- # HauntedCemetery # Code under the GPL, copywright Kyle Anderson 2010 # See for context NORTH=0 EAST=1 SOUTH=2 WEST=3 StartingLocation = 2 WinningLocation = 50 StartingDirection = NORTH InitialPath = "" DeadZones=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,13,14,20,21,27,28,34,35,41,42,48,49,51,52,53,54,55] GhostLocations=[8,10,11,16,19,23,25,29,32,36,38,40,44,46,47] def ParsePath(Path): Path=Path.replace("0","↑",100) Path=Path.replace("1","→",100) Path=Path.replace("2","↓",100) Path=Path.replace("3","←",100) return Path def Travel(Location, Direction, Path): Path += str(Direction) if len(Path)==50: #There are an infinite number of solutions, we are only intested in the short ones return 50 #Move in the right step if Direction == NORTH: Location += 7 elif Direction == EAST: Location += 1 elif Direction == SOUTH: Location -= 7 elif Direction == WEST: Location -= 1 #Check Where we are: if Location in DeadZones: return 1 elif Location == WinningLocation: print str(len(Path)) + " moves: " + ParsePath(Path) return 0 elif Location in GhostLocations: #At a ghost we make a left or a right RightDirection = (Direction + 1) % 4 Travel(Location,RightDirection,Path) LeftDirection = (Direction - 1) % 4 Travel(Location,LeftDirection,Path) else: #All other locations we keep going straight Travel(Location,Direction,Path) #Start us off Travel(StartingLocation,StartingDirection,InitialPath)
Official code repository is here
Solutions (limited to 50 moves):
kyle@kyle:~$ ./ | sort 42 moves: ↑↑→→→↑↑↑←←↓↓↓↓←←↑↑↑→→→↑↑←←↓↓↓→→↓↓←↑↑↑↑←←↑↑ 42 moves: ↑↑→→→↑↑↑←←↓↓↓↓→↑↑←←↑↑↑→→↓↓←←←↓↓↓→→↑↑↑↑←←↑↑ 48 moves: ↑↑→→→↑↑↑←←↓↓↓↓←←↑↑↑→→→↑↑←←↓↓↓→→↑←←←↓↓↓→→↑↑↑↑←←↑↑ 48 moves: ↑↑→→→↑↑↑←←↓↓↓↓←←↑↑↑→→→↓←←↑↑↑→→↓↓←←←↓↓↓→→↑↑↑↑←←↑↑