Games Magazine - Crypto Cube
From Kyle's Wiki
Each square stands for a letter of the alphabet, and corresponding squares on different faces stand for the same letter. What three English names of numbers do the three paths spell?
The start of each word is with the black dot, the end with a perpendicular line.
Here are the numbers I get:
10 1 8 7 10 13 16 7 8 10 2 14 12 10 8 8 7 8 14 9 2 10
Assign each number a letter and it becomes a cryptoquote:
jahgjmqgh jbnljhhg hnibj
These are easy. If you want you can use this solver with this initial key:
he aw my qo (this means h=e a=w m=y q=o). Even without this key it solves 2 out of 3.
The solution is: